
经典老牌压缩软件 WinRAR v5.9.0 正式版 支持多线程!

WinRAR 是一个强大的压缩文件管理工具。它能备份你的数据,减少你的 E-mail 附件的大小,解压缩从 Internet 上下载的 RAR、ZIP 和其他格式的压缩文件,并能创建 RAR 和 ZIP 格式的压缩文件。

经典老牌压缩软件 WinRAR v5.9.0 正式版 支持多线程!



WinRAR 在 DOS 时代就一直具备这种优势,经过多次试验证明,WinRAR 的 RAR 格式一般要比其他的 ZIP 格式高出 10%~30% 的压缩率,尤其是它还提供了可选择的、针对多媒体数据的压缩算法。


WinRAR 对 WAV、BMP 声音及图像文件可以用独特的多媒体压缩算法大大提高压缩率,虽然我们可以将 WAV、BMP 文件转为 MP3、JPG 等格式节省存储空间,但不要忘记 WinRAR 的压缩可是标准的无损压缩。


虽然其他软件也能支持 ARJ、LHA 等格式,但却需要外挂对应软件的 DOS 版本,实在是功能有限。但 WinRAR 就不同了,不但能解压多数压缩格式,且不需外挂程序支持就可直接建立 ZIP 格式的压缩文件,所以我们不必担心离开了其他软件如何处理 ZIP 格式的问题。


让我们通过开始选单的程序组启动WinRAR,在其主界面中选择“选项”选单下的“设置”打开设置窗口,分为常规、压缩、路径、文件列表、查看器、综合六大类,非常丰富,通过修改它们,可以更好地使用 WinRAR。实战:如果同时安装了某款压缩软件与 WinRAR,ZIP 文件的关联经常发生混乱,现在我们只需进入设置窗口,选“综合”标签,将“ WinRAR 关联文件”一栏中的 ZIP 一项打勾,确定后就可使 ZIP 文件与 WinRAR 关联,反之如果将勾去掉,则 WinRAR 自动修改注册表使 ZIP 重新与这个压缩软件的关联。


WinRAR 中包含的RAR支持在Windows/DOS系统上的命令行操作,格式为: RAR <命令> -<开关> <压缩包> <文件…> <解压缩路径\> a 压缩,e、x 解压等常用参数基本无异于DOS版本,可以在批文件中方便地加以引用。 实战:我们编辑如下的批处理文件WPS.bat: start /w “c:\program files\wps2000\winwps32.exe” start “c:\program files\winrar\rar” m -p328 c:\mywj\wj.rar c:\mywj\*.wps 该批文件运行后首先调用 WPS 2000,用户编辑完文件并存入 Mywj 文件夹中,退出WPS 2000后 RAR 立即将 Mywj 下的 WPS 文件压缩、加密码移入Wj.rar中,省去了每次压缩加密的繁琐。











Version 5.90

1. RAR compression speed is improved for CPUs with 16 and more cores.

2. “Fastest” method (-m1 command line equivalent) typically achieves

a higher compression ratio for highly compressible data types

when creating RAR5 archives.

3. Maximum number of utilized threads is increased from 32 to 64.

Command line -mt<threads> switch accepts values from 1 to 64.

4. “Multithreading” parameter on “General” page of WinRAR settings

is replaced with “Threads” input field, where you can specify

the desired number of CPU threads. It can take values from 1 to

maximum number of available logical CPU units.

5. WinRAR displays packed and unpacked folder sizes when browsing

archive contents.

6. “Total folders” field is added to list of archive parameters

displayed by WinRAR “Info” command. Same field is added to

“Archive” page in archive properties in Windows Explorer.

7. Window including a progress bar and “Cancel” button is displayed

if reading archive contents takes noticeable time.

It can be useful for archive formats with slower access to contents,

such as large TAR based archives like .tar.gz and tar.bz2.

8. Archiving and extraction progress windows, also as progress windows

for some other commands, can be resized.

9. “Repair” performance for RAR5 archives with recovery record

and without data shifts is improved. It deteriorated in WinRAR 5.80

and is now restored to original level.

10. Password prompt is not issued when performing recovery record based

repair for RAR5 archives with encrypted file names.

This command can be performed without providing a password.

11. If folder for converted archives in “Convert archives” command

does not exist, WinRAR attempts to create it. Previous versions

failed to create converted archives in non-existent destination folder.

12. Added extraction support for GZIP archives with optional header

checksum field.

13. Bugs fixed:

a) “Repair” command could erroneously display “Recovery record is

corrupt” message when processing an archive with valid recovery

record. This message did not prevent further repair operation;

b) if quick open information option was set to “Do not add” in default

compression profile and this profile was loaded by some command

or dialog, WinRAR ignored quick open information when browsing

contents of RAR archives. For example, it happened after opening

archiving or password dialogs;

c) Ctrl+C “Copy” shortcut key did not work in archive comment window;

d) if “Put each file to separate archive” and “Archives in subfolders”

options were set, WinRAR ignored the destination path specified

in archive name field.

官方英文版 : https://www.win-rar.com/fileadmin/winrar-versions/winrar/winrar-x64-590.exe

中文商业版 : 等待


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